pennylane731's Diaryland Diary


point and click

smile pretty for the camera, love.
exhale as the fingers of your right hand
caress your own skin, still bearing the last touches
of summer gone by.
your left hand pushes the button, clicking
to commemorate a memory of when you felt beautiful;
sexy, even.

pop music floods the incandescent mood
with sounds - inspiring dance-like grace.
i love you
i'm smiling
i'm beautiful


you crashed down from that egotistical high
when responses, once thought delayed,
were proven nonexistent.

"...aren't i?"
you begged,
and received
a half-hearted confirmation

beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
and when you realized that you were not beheld as beautiful,
you admonished yourself for believing,
even for just a moment,
that you were.


from now on, you shall stay on the other side of the lens.
others are worthy of the zoom-in and click.
you, however, are not.
you have learned your lesson.

you never were beautiful, and never will be.

7:12 p.m. - 2004-10-16

clix if you <3 me


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