pennylane731's Diaryland Diary


git da dough, by any means necessary

he took the stage
and the plastic bottles tipped in appreciation
blonde melodies of longing
and the symphony, hard to ignore

you were always my favorite vice
it never felt like a transgression

why do you still want to speak to the heartbreaker
befriend my enemy, who i have yet to meet?
such a strange game, played to this soundtrack
if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, but to be honest,
i'd rather give a beating:
torches and teeth bared

chivalry timbers!
in a sort of role-reversal
say, what does it take to make it happen?

she was standing by the lake
she was your autumn sunshine

and the words you instantly regretted
as you saw them reflected in my eyes
(salty, salty)

sharing the same songs
i'm trying to detect the difference

2:03 p.m. - 2005-05-17

clix if you <3 me


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